Let's Huddle

At Lion, we love diving in and getting to know you while unlocking new ways of thinking and opportunities. Here are a few of the ways we can do that together. They are flexible approaches and are typically tailored to your unique situation.

Workshop Offerings

  • Path 33
    Innovation Workshop
  • Path 33
    Growth Accelerator
  • Path 33
    Research Multiplier
  • Path 33
    Northstar Branding

Innovation Workshop

Spark your company’s innovation with our Innovation Jam. Unleash your team’s creativity and drive progress through our half-day workshop. With our collaborative brainstorming session, we’ll help identify gaps, pain points, and promising opportunities for your company’s future development.

Main Objective: Spur innovation with blue-sky ideation

Good for companies that want to:

  • Launch a new product
  • Brainstorm new solutions from existing experiences
  • Develop a roadmap from scratch or add new initiatives to an existing one


  • We’ll send you a discovery audit form to fill out to establish your company’s foundation of current initiatives, solutions, and vision
  • We’ll synthesize the findings which will help us facilitate a virtual workshop with your team
  • We’ll run a half-day workshop with your team focused on innovation where we generate and evaluate new ideas, solve gaps and pain points


  • Executive summary of innovation insights
  • Recommendations for future development opportunities

Growth Accelerator

Identify areas for growth, find product-market fit, or expand your product or service offerings with our Growth Accelerator Sprint. Our collaborative half-day workshop deep dives into strategy to evaluate internal and external factors that impact growth and provide a growth blueprint, recommendations, and a clear action plan for your company’s continued success.

Main Objective: Unlock growth potential and drive expansion through new initiatives
Good for companies that want to:
  • Find product-market fit
  • Expand on current offerings
  • Audit internal and external processes
  • Gain a competitive advantage


  • We’ll send you a discovery audit form to fill out to establish your company’s foundation of current initiatives, solutions, and vision
  • We’ll synthesize the findings which will help us facilitate a virtual workshop with your team
  • We’ll run a half-day workshop with your team focused on evaluating internal/external factors that impact growth and expansion


  • Growth Blueprint that outlines path to growth and expansion
  • Recommendations for continued success

Northstar Branding:

Discover your brand’s true north with our Northstar Brand Sprint. Our half-day workshop focuses on helping you find your unique voice, messaging, and positioning so you can connect with your audience in the right way.

Main Objective: Refine your brand or product messaging to deepen the connection with your audience
Good for companies that want to:
  • Discover the brand’s unique voice and messaging
  • Identify or refine your unique value proposition and positioning
  • Improve brand loyalty and customer engagement


  • We’ll send you a discovery audit form to fill out to establish your company’s foundation of current initiatives, solutions, and vision
  • We’ll synthesize the findings which will help us facilitate a virtual workshop with your team
  • We’ll run a half-day workshop with your team that dives into different elements of your brand’s identity, from user perception to unique value propositions.
  • We’ll help align on your brand’s core identity and messaging


  • Brand Messaging Statement
  • Brand Attributes Summaries

Research Multiplier:

Our Research Multiplier workshop is designed to help you drive deeper engagement and deliver value to your users. Our collaborative half-day workshop dives deep into understanding your users and identifying pain points and opportunities in your existing research operations.

Main Objective: Deepen your connection to users and deliver value with data-driven insights
Good for companies that want to:
  • Build understanding of users’ needs and pain points
  • Better align the product or service messaging with users’ mental models
  • Improve confidence in decision-making and prioritization of the roadmap


  • We’ll send you a discovery audit form to fill out to establish your company’s foundation of current initiatives, solutions, and research processes and protocols
  • We’ll synthesize the findings which will help us facilitate a virtual workshop with your team
  • We’ll run a half-day workshop with your team focused on validating existing user insights, streamlining research operations, and driving impact using data and user-driven insights


  • Research plan that outlines objectives and goals for research
  • Recommendation for user research initiatives and methodologies
Made with Love
in The Bay Area
We're an award-winning interactive agency specializing in digital applications, user experience design, marketing-driven funnels, and brand strategy.